Undergraduate Professional Development Grant (UG)

The Villanova Career Center is excited to offer Professional Development Grants which enable eligible undergraduate and graduate students to receive amounts up to $2,500 each year to participate in conferences, professional memberships, job fair registration fees, professional networking events and more. Applicants will be judged on need, the experience and how closely the experience fits with career goals. Applications are reviewed and decisions for awarding grants are made on an ongoing basis during the fall and spring semesters respectively. A student may apply once per application period. See the complete Eligibility Guidelines on Career Connections, student funding website. Visit bit.ly/vustudentfundingopps and read thoroughly before you apply!

2023/2024 Application Periods:

Fall Semester – September 6 through December 4
Spring Semester – January 22 through April 3

NOTE: Applications will not be accepted to fund summer internships, tuition, education abroad, professional school admission exam preparation, medical bills, or certification/license fees. Professional development experiences occurring after a student graduates will not be eligible. Visit bit.ly/vustudentfundingopps for full list of criteria.

Student Experiential Funds
Supplemental Questions
  1. What amount are you requesting?
  2. Describe what funding you have applied for from other departments at Villanova and include what you have received.
  3. What is the experience for which you are hoping to receive funding. Include the name, dates and relevant links to the experience. (250 Words or less).
  4. Provide a personal statement outlining the impact of the opportunity on you, your career progression and/or your community. (250 Words or less).
  5. Upload your budget outlining your intended expenditures. Visit the Student Funding Opportunities Website to access the Budget Worksheet Template.
  6. Please upload documentation to support the items listed in your budget. This can include screenshots of conference information, flights, lodging, etc.
  7. Financial Need
    • Are there factors affecting your financial need? Please check all factors that apply.
    • Are you expected to contribute to your current academic year expenses? If so, please check all expenses below that apply.
    • Describe your financial circumstances to help us understand your funding needs. Be thorough and detailed. If you selected any of the boxes in the previous question, please provide details regarding your situation.
    • Use this space to share any details about your financial circumstances that you have not already shared.
    • What would you do if you were not awarded this funding?
  8. Please upload a copy of your resume.
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